What is Nitric Oxide?

Another extremely valuable effect of breathing through the nose is Nitric oxide (NO). Nasal breathing produces Nitric oxide, which is released into the paranasal sinuses and the thousands of miles of blood vessels throughout our body.

It's no question, nitric oxide won molecule of the year in 1992. Since then, there have been over 100 thousand research papers devoted to nitric oxide.

Researches have become astounded how this simple gas that is produced naturally in our paranasal cavities can influence all major systems in our body. In turn, keeping us free from disease, promoting longer life, elevated athletic performance, and improved sexual health.

Nitric oxide is a bronchial dilator, which assists in opening the airways for better  oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that assists in opening the blood vessels. Which also improves circulation and ventilation perfusion to increase the oxygen uptake and blood flow to the organs. During inhalation through the nose, Nitric oxide will flow to the lower airways and lungs maximizing the oxygenation of the body.

Nitric oxide’s other important functions include:

  • Antiviral and antimicrobial functions. Sterilizing the air we breathe, making it the first line of defense in microorganisms.

  • Preventing high blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.

  • Prevents blood clots and clogged arteries, promotes flexibility in arteries; reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  • Enhances memory, sleep, and hormone regulation.

  • Mouth breathing completely bypasses this amazing substance, missing out on the important advantages nitric oxide provides for overall health and athletic performance.


Increasing CO2 Tolerance / Vo2 Max


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