ELVT Mindset

Enter the zone & tap into your flow state

Entering the zone and tapping into your flow state simply means performing in absence of conscious thought. Being fully present, letting your instincts, natural rhythm and muscle memory kick in effortlessly.

Athletes understand mental preparation and complete immersion in the zone are key ingredients to success. When looking back at poor performances, we have all heard or said: “my head just wasn’t in it”.

Nasal breathing is the most efficient way to enter and stay in the zone. It ensures proper oxygenation of the brain and a controlled parasympathetic state; allowing one to tap into a flow state with a higher cognitive function. Nasal breathing assists in quieting the mind. Observing each inhalation and exhalation internalizes one’s focus, shutting away unnecessary thoughts. Once the mind is quiet, you become fully emerged in the present moment and can start visualizing a positive and successful performance.

Most athletes and everyday warriors still believe taking big deep breaths are beneficial while prepping for a competition or workout. Doing so actually deprives the brain of oxygen. Adequate brain oxygenation is required to enter the zone and tap into the flow state. Nerves can also be a   contributing factor to less oxygenation of the brain. Nerves keep us alert but too much can induce over breathing, which offloads too much carbon dioxide. Research has shown that hyperventilation (over breathing) significantly affects mental performance and physical capabilities.

Optimize your mindset with an ELVT Breath Control patch. Wear while mentally preparing and watch how quick you can enter the zone, calm nerves and tap into your flow state. Peak performance requires undivided attention and a state of intense alertness.

We take between 20,000 -25,000 breaths a day, let’s start making them count!


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